【Eブック】Your Life Your Legacy(「億万長者 富の法則」原著)【英語版PDF】【ダウンロード商品】
【Eブック】Your Life Your Legacy(「億万長者 富の法則」原著)【英語版PDF】【ダウンロード商品】
ウェルスダイナミクスのバイブル書「億万長者 富の法則」の原書のEbookバージョン。
著者:Roger Hamilton
ALL great entrepreneurs have something in common that has allowed them to create and contribute great wealth - flow!
Discover how to find YOUR flow!
You will learn that there are ONLY eight ways to build wealth and that each is a game of wealth with its own rules, and frequency. When you choose to play the game of wealth which best suits your own frequency, personality, and cause, you will attract everything you need to live the life you are meant to live.
Learn from the true stories of 38 entrepreneurial masters organised according to wealth profiles, including Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, Thomas Edison, Donald Trump, and Sam Walton.
"I want you to read this book to maximize your earnings and contributions. You will love it! It will inspire you to end your poverty and the world's. Share it with three like minded people that are awake, concerned and want to make the world work better now. Money is the energy to make dreams come true. Roger has brilliantly made wealth creation energy accessible to you now. Read, Absorb, and Use his wisdom."
Mark Victor Hansen - Entrepreneur, Author of One Minute Millionaire, and Chicken Soup for the Soul.